New Course dates for 2025 out now!
4&6week courses
In each course we explore a certain making and decorating technique with plenty of room to explore your own ideas. It doesn’t matter if you’re a dab hand or have no experience with clay, everyone is welcome. Join me in my creative, relaxed space. No more than 6 in a class.
All prices include tuition, materials, firings for 3 pieces of work and a cuppa…small surcharge for extra pieces made.
Full payment of a course/workshop/wheel session required 8 weeks in advance please
Most courses have a week’s gap so I can bisc fire pots ready for glazing in the last one or two sessions. Please check dates carefully.
1.Slab building with Monoprint surface decoration 6 weeks £180
Mondays 1-3.30pm Jan 13/20/27/Feb3/10/24
Tuesdays 10-12.30pm Jan 14/21/28/Feb4/11/25 FULL
Wednesdays 6.30-9pm Jan 15/22/29/Feb5/12/26 FULL
2.Hand-building with carved surface decoration 4 weeks £120
Tuesdays 10-12.30pm Mar 4/11/18/Apr1 FULL
Wednesdays 6.30-9pm Mar 5/12/19/Apr2
3.Handmade bowls & tiles with Majolica surface decoration 6 weeks £180
No Monday classes this term
Tuesdays 10-12.30pm Apr 29/May6/13/20/June3/10
Wednesdays 6.30-9pm Apr 30/May7/14/21/June4/11
4.Hand-building with textured & imprinted clays 4 weeks £120
Mondays 1-3.30pm June 23/30/July7/21
Tuesdays 10-12.30pm June 24/July1/8/22
Wednesdays 6.30-9pm June 25/July2/9/23
SATURDAY WORKSHOPS 10.30am-12.30pm £35
All pots will be fired & glazed, ready to collect 3-4 weeks after the session.
25th January - Make a tea light holder FULL
8th March - Handbuild 2 mini cactus pots FULL
5th April - Handbuild a jug with imprinted clay
10th May - Make a botanical imprinted vase
7th June - Make a handbuilt mug with imprinted clay
5th July - Handbuild a leaf imprinted bowl
Pottery workshops are held at my home studio in St.Anne's, Bristol.
Potter’s wheel sessions available on Thurs/Fri daytimes and evenings & occasional weekend. All sessions are 1.5hrs and include tuition, materials, 2 firings & a cuppa. You’ll get to make 2-3 pots which will be glazed and ready to collect 3-5wks later. 1:1 session £50, 2:1 session £85
Private parties can be booked. Minimum of 4, maximum of 8 for £35 per person
Children’s parties £15 per child (min 6, max 8)
Gift vouchers are also available for all courses, workshops and wheel sessions. Please contact me for more information.
“Wendy’s classes are friendly, informative, hands-on and great fun! The focus is on a specific technique in each course, but you still have lots of freedom to let your creative side flourish! Highly recommended.”